What to Expect from a Comprehensive Eye Exam?
It's been reported that millions and millions of people go for an eye exam every year, and this figure shouldn't come off as baffling to anyone. Everyone, especially people with glasses and contact lenses, understands the importance of upholding the health of your eyesight, and the best strategy for this is to make sure you regularly consult the best Lucknow eye hospital. Especially now, the continued use of screen time among all facets of people has put a lot of responsibility upon the shoulders of every eye specialist in the world.
1 Visual Acuity Test
Getting an eye exam done regularly is one of the smartest decisions you can take, especially because it's highly common for people to lose their vision gradually as they get older, which is unfortunate, but a lot of the damage can be slowed down, minimized, or even eliminated with the help of an eye exam and this exam starts with a visual acuity test. This test is tasked with measuring the sharpness of your eyesight and is common enough to happen in any eye hospital in Lucknow. These tests are usually performed using a projected eye chart.
2 Color Blindness Test
As the name suggests, the sole purpose of this test is to check how accurately your eyesight or vision can distinguish between colors or if you can even visually detect colors. Everyone needs to get this done, too, since color blindness may not be as common as some other eye problems, but it's still important to get this test done to detect any potential threat of color blindness at its earliest, so doctors have more time to come up with an effective treatment plan. Detecting and eliminating problems at the earliest is something Mansarovar Eye Hospital has done for as long as anyone can imagine.
3 Cover Test
While there’s certainly an argument to be made about the many ways for eye doctors to check how your eyes work together, nothing seems to be as simple and common as the cover test. Even the best eye hospital in Lucknow can attest to the fact that the cover test is still one of the most effective and comprehensive tests out there, despite its relative simplicity. During a cover test, your eye doctor or ophthalmologist will ask you to focus on a small object from across the room and then go on to cover each of your eyes alternatively while you stare at the target.
4 Ocular Motility
An ocular motility test serves the purpose of determining how well your eyes can follow a moving object and quickly move between and accurately fixate on the two separate targets. It’s safe to say that an ocular motility test is one of the most important and pivotal parts of a comprehensive eye exam since this test helps detect problems like eye strain, headaches, blurry vision, and other problems and can even end up detecting an even worse, more problematic underlying condition. These tests are conducted by professionals who evaluate smooth and quick eye movements to determine if the patient’s vision is safe or not.
5 Stereopsis
To put it in simple terms, stereopsis is the term used to express eye teaming that enables or allows normal depth perception and acknowledges the 3-dimensional nature of objects, and this test is common enough to be performed in every eye clinic in Lucknow. This test is performed by making the patient wear a pair of 3D glasses and look at a bunch of test patterns. Each of these patterns has 4 small circles, and the patient needs to point out which circle in the pattern looks closer compared to the other 3 circles.
The importance of vision and/or eyesight can never be said enough, and it's about time people start taking it seriously if they haven't already. Fortunately, with immense advancements in the field of technology and medicine, treatments for eye problems have become much better.